Dyslexia and dyscalculia are two different types of learning disabilities with which a special education degree holder must be familiar. A learning disability is a disorder in which one or more psychological process involving any kind of language affects a person's ability to correctly do things like write, read, spell, complete mathematical calculations, or the like. A learning disability is caused by differences in how someone's brain processes information or works overall. Dyslexia is usually defined as a difficulty with reading, writing, and spelling. Sometimes, dyslexia can affect a person's ability to speak. It is one of the most common learning disabilities in children. One of the first signs that a child is dyslexic is when he or she shows a difficulty in learning to read. There are several types of dyslexia, including visual dyslexia. Visual dyslexia means that a person reverses letters (and sometimes numbers as well) and cannot write words in their proper sequence. While dyslexia affects a person's ability to read or write, dyscalculia involves difficulty with numbers usually involving math. Someone with dyscalculia can have difficulties learning how to count or understanding math and math problems. Sometimes, sequences of numbers will not make sense. Dyscalculia can also manifest itself by having a poor understanding of the concept of time or a poor sense of direction.